Last year, 2021, everyone heard of the Texas freeze in February. Having never had a pipe break before since I always Winterize, wrap pipes, drain and cover my Sprinkler Backflow, etc. is was a shock to have an inlet valve crack, thankfully, it only had a small leak.
Just want to share what I did to update/prepare for any future freezes, time will tell if this works but I feel good knowing no water will be left in my Backflow/Pipes this way.
Since I decided to re-pipe to replace the value I redesigned how I was going to drain my Backflow to Winterize. I have never heard of any pipes in our area ever freezing underground so I decided to put a shutoff value underground in it’s own box on the inlet side of my system. In order to drain the pipes fully I put two tees with caps, one on inlet and outlet side at ground level. Since I removed the Backflow I added unions to easily fix/replace the Backflow in needed in the future.
Hope this Helps Someone…
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