Is there a max pressure the pop-up heads can handle before they stop spraying? I have a 2hp pump pulling water from a lake to a six zone system.
The smallest of the six zones has a single rotating head and 6 pop-ups. Some of the pop-ups are not spraying even though I replaced the screw-on nozzels and screens. All I get are small 3-foot spray patterns. I also ran the system without the nozzels installed and the jet went up 15′ – lots of pressure & flow… Any ideas?
Try removing the heads at the end of the system and purging the pipes for a minute or two, then replace those heads and remove the remaining heads again and clean them well, doing a quick purge between each head removal. I had a similar situation after a pipe was broken by landscapers and dirt/debris got into the pipes. Doing what I described finally fixed things.