We have a 4-station model but we only use the first 3 stations. It has been programmed for several years and I’ve made changes here and there. Several months ago, I noticed that it would come on when it wasn’t supposed to. It’s supposed to come on at 5:30am on Mondays and Thursdays for station 1, then station 2 is at 6am, and station 3 at 6:30am. But now, it will do those times correctly, but then it will also be running at 7am. And an hour ago, I went out and saw the water was running at 8am! So it’s like it’s going through the programming 3 TIMES!!!! Any idea what could cause this? Also, I noticed on the display when it says Next Time, it shows Su Mo Tu Th at the bottom, but I don’t have any watering scheduled for Su or Tu! The manual has Valves continue to turn onand off when they are notprogrammed in the troubleshooting and it says either the water pressure is too high or there are overlapping schedules, but neither of those seem to be the case. The water pressure is low on a few of the drip emitters, and I’ve triple checked the schedules. Would you recommend resetting to factory defaults (if that is possible) and redoing the settings and schedule? Could a low battery cause something weird like this?
Thanks, Bob L