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  • #83339
    Points: 1

    I’m switching to BHyve from my old Hunter sprinkler controller and I tried putting the wires in the same spots as they were before. The problem is that every time i test a zone, the zones will spray water but I’ll see ‘FAULT’ and then I cannot get them to stop.

    I have 2 COM wires which were previously plugged into the same slot in the old control box. I tried that- no luck. I tried putting 1 white wire in each COM slot- no luck. I tried swapping them. I tried doing only 1 wire, I tried swapping those wires again. no luck. I eventually turned the water off at the valve, but I can’t seem to figure this out.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

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    Points: 4
    First Time

    Common is common so it shouldn’t matter if they’re both together. Question did you set up your system using the orbit panel or did you use your mobile phone? I always use my mobile phone and have nothing but good results from that. After I terminate all my wires and get power to the main unit, I never touch it again. Good luck.

    Points: 13
    First Time

    It looks like your valves may have 12 Volt Latching DC solenoids instead of 24 Volt AC standard solenoids. Notice how the side of your old timer says Output: 11 Volts DC. I don’t think the B-Hyve timer will work with that style of solenoid and can only use 24 Volt AC solenoids. You could probably change yours to be 12VAC by replacing just the solenoid on each valve. The ‘Fault’ error is probably from your solenoids drawing too much current from the timer.

    This solenoid would probably work. I’m sure it would work with the timer but I don’t know what valves you have so I would buy one and test it first. I think the link I wanted to post is getting blocked. Just search for this part below.
    Hunter – 606800 – Replacement 24V Solenoid

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