I have four of these devices two of them are giving me a fit. When I start watering I hear them respond and click but no water flow. When I stop the watering cycle they click again so these devices know that they should start / stop but water does not flow.
– disconnected the device form hoses on both end, made sure there was no debris blocking
– with device connected verified water flow from house was good
– connected to the device to water flow side only turned on the watering makes click but no water flow
– I disconnect from the app and add back
– added fresh batteries / removed then added back
– next troubleshooting might be to see how far I can skip this thing across the water like a stone 🙂
Right now I’m at a loss and looking for a better replacement device, I have only had these for about a year I’m sure they are just past the warranty coverage. Any suggestions or anyone else having this issue, or suggestion on what they might have replaced their device with?