How to program the B-hyve Indoor/Outdoor timer at the device

To create a program from the Indoor/Outdoor B-hyve timer, you’ll need to set the start times, run times, and the frequency of the program.

Set the Start Time

  1. Turn the dial until the selection box is on Start Time

  2. Press the dial. You will now see 1st Start Time in the display

  3. Press the dial again. You will now see 5:00 AM flashing

  4. Turn the dial until the desired hour is reached

  5. Press the dial to move to minutes and repeat step four until the desired minute is reached

  6. If you want to set additional start times, press the dial to set them, repeating the prior steps. Note: Only one start time is needed – the device will run all zones in sequence.

  7. If all start times are set, press the Back button

Set the Run Time

  1. Turn the dial until the selection box is on Run Time

  2. Press the dial. You will now see Station 1 in the display

  3. Turn the dial to the preferred Station

  4. Press the dial again. You will now see 0 Minutes flashing

  5. Turn the dial until the desired runtime in minutes is reached

  6. If you want to set additional stations, press the dial to set them, repeating the prior steps

  7. If all run times are set, press the Back button

Set How Often

  1. Turn the dial until the selection box is on How Often

  2. Press the dial. You will now see the days of the week, Intervals, Odd, & Even at the bottom of the display

  3. Turn the dial to the preferred option

  4. Press the dial to select it

  5. Turn the dial to each preferred choice and press the dial to confirm then

  6. If all selections are made, press the Back button

Once the start time, run time, and frequency are set, turn the dial to Auto and press it to enable the program. To create an additional program, press the Program button after step two of each option and it will change from A to B. Keep pressing the Program button until it is on the Program you want to create or edit.

If you have questions on the watering budget option then please check out this article: What does watering budget do?

Or if you are wanting to program the timer within the B-hyve app, please look at this article: How to program your B-hyve Indoor/Outdoor controller

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Tags: b-hyve, bhyve, program, programming