B-Hyve Hose Timer Valve Appears Stuck Open/Closed
This article will help you troubleshoot your B-hyve Hose timer not opening or closing.
- Remove everything from the outlet of the hose faucet timer
- Turn the water on and cover the outlet of the timer with your thumb
- Hold your thumb in place and then turn on the timer manually
- Once you hear/feel a click, remove your thumb
- The water should begin spraying out of the outlet, so you may get wet from this
- If water is still not flowing, take the HoseTimer off of the spigot and check for any debris on the inlet
- Take the screen out of the inlet and check out any debris and place the screen back inside the inlet
- Reattach to hose spigot and manually turn the HoseTimer on to let water flow through
- Try removing batteries and reinserting them, confirming the batteries aren’t too old, and then resetting the timer.
Tags: B-hyve, bhyve, HoseTimer