How to prepare your underground system for winter

To turn your Sprinkler system off for the winter, you will want to blow out the lines first, to remove any water and prevent freeze damage. We recommend contacting a professional to do this.

Here is a video on steps you can take without blowing out the system

If you have a B-hyve device, it should be placed in the “Off” mode:

1. On your B-hyve app, tap My B-hyve in the bottom right corner

2. Tap Devices followed by selecting your B-hyve device

3. You should now see an option that says “Timer Run Mode” – Tap Off

The B-hyve device will retain the programming, but not run any of the programs until it is returned to the Auto position. We don’t recommend unplugging or removing the batteries from your B-hyve device – we push periodic updates, and if unplugged, the B-hyve device won’t be able to receive them.

Any other Orbit Underground timers can simply be set to the “Off” position.


Devices Covered: 57894, 57896, 57899, 57900, 27894, 27896, 27892, 27999, 91894, 91896, 91892, 91899, 28588, 28566, 28568, 57567 57894, 57896, 57899, 57900, 27894, 27896, 27892, 27999, 91894, 91896, 91892, 91899, 28954, 28956, 57854, 57856, 57874, 57876, 57016, 57096, 57586, 57592, 91006, 57932, 57936, 57942, 57946, 91832, 91836, 91842, 91846, 94832, 94836, 94842, 94846, 57865, 57860, 57004, 57006, 57008, 57012, 57122, 57254, 57256, 57258, 57252, 57292, 57294, 57296, 57606, 57332, 57344, 57346, 57348, 57342, 57334, 57336, 57338, 57298, 57392, 57396, 57384, 57386, 57388, 57382, 91024, 91026, 91028, 91016, 91012, 94004, 94006, 94008, 94002, 94024, 94026, 94028, 94022, 27396, 57880, 57881, 57882, 57883, 27780, 27781, 27782, 27783, 57674, 57676, 57679, 57672, 57194, 57196, 27954, 27956, 57114, 57161, 57162, 57926, 57922, 57916, 57912, 91916, 91912, 91926, 91922, 94916, 94912, 94926, 94922

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Tags: B-hyve, B-hyve App, Maintenance, Pipe, Underground Timer, Valve
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