Community Home Community B-hyve B-hyve App Weather and rain delays all wrong Reply To: Weather and rain delays all wrong

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Me, too. My android app’s Calendar displays different information than the dashboard for the airport weather station near my home.
B-hyve mobile app reports for today: Rainy; 84% Humidity; 16.1 kph Wind; 0.00 cm Precipitation
The weather station dashboard says: Mostly Sunny; 62% Humidity; 3.2 kph Wind; .33 Precipitation.
Is there any explanation why the app is displaying different data than the weather station it is connected with?

Also, the weather history for my area shows rain fell four out of the past five days, including 0.41 cm yesterday. Despite the app’s calendar showing a “Rainy cloud” icon for each of the past days, it also shows 0.00 cm Precipitation for each of those days! This is whacky. The ground is soaked, and the app plans to water tomorrow morning, it says. I know I can manually adjust the Soil Moisture level, but then what’s the point of the smart watering program if it is so unreliable?

Is this a software bug, or something? I’ve only purchased the model WT25E device 7 days ago, I’ve updated the firmware and I’m installed the newest mobile android app. I’ve called the Orbit B-hyve service desk and been told to reinstall the software, reconfirm the correct weather station. No helpful result, unfortunately.