Community Home Community B-hyve B-hyve App Is if possible to set a no-watering interval between zones in a schedule

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  • #82577
    Points: 1

    This is our second year with the B-Hyve indoor-outdoor timer and app, and we have found it very convenient.

    Currently we are experiencing low-well-water issues and are running low on water during my watering schedule. I have a total of 10 zones, including 3 zones for orchard areas and 7 zones for berries, vegetables, plantings around house, etc.

    The only “interval setting” I see is between watering times in a schedule.

    I would like to set something like this:
    Zone 1: 60 min.
    Interval of no watering: 15 min.
    Zone 2: 60 min
    Interval of no watering: 15 min.

    Is this possible?

    If not, I think this would be a helpful addition to the app, and it should not be difficult to add.

    As it is, the only workaround I can see is to water each zone on an individual schedule. That takes a lot of the convenience out of the app!

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