How to Determine Your Yard’s Slope

The amount of slope in your zone can impact the amount of water lost due to run-off. If not absorbed fast enough, water applied on a slope will flow downhill. This will cause too much water at the bottom of a hill and too little at the top.

To solve this, you can estimate the amount of slope on the steepest section of this zone.

To Calculate slope:
Run: Choose something with a known distance, a section of string, level, or tape measure, and measure the total horizontal distance (the “run”).
Rise: Measure the vertical distance along the string line for that same section (the “rise”).
Calculation: Divide the rise by the run, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage slope.

Based on your slope, B-hyve will break up your run-time into 2 or more cycles. This will ensure water has time to enter the soil with minimal runoff.

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Tags: b-hyve, B-hyve App, SmartWatering
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