Orbit Sprinkler System Designer – Plan Saving with No Name/Can’t Load Plan

If you have used our Orbit Sprinkler System Designer and find that you are unable to load one of your designs because it does not have a name listed under the plan section, then this article should help explain what to do.

Currently, if this is happening there is no way to save the design that you have on that specific plan. You would need to create a new design and re-create your property’s layout and system information.

To avoid this happening again, when you create your new design, before hitting the “Save” option be sure to place your lot.

This issue occurs when the plan is saved before any features are placed on the design, so placing a lot prior to saving the plan will give the plan a name and allow it to be viewed in the future should you close the tab you are working on.

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Tags: Internal, OSSD, Troubleshooting
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