Soil Moisture – Where Does That Come From / How Is It Set?

The app determines the soil moisture from the data you’ve input into the zone information, as well as the weather details. The moisture balance updates on a nightly basis and makes adjustments based on the amount of precipitation, irrigation, and evaporation rates.

When initially setting up a zone, the soil moisture should be left at the default level unless there’s been a recent watering.

We do not recommend changing the soil moisture percentage manually, as that can change the smart watering programs and how they learn. 



Devices Covered: 57946, 57950, 04080, 04082, 57915, 57925, 04060, 57985, 57995, 21005, 21205, 04138, 24511, 24632, 24634

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Tags: B-hyve, B-hyve App, Smart Watering
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