Solenoid Buzzing

If you are hearing a buzzing noise coming from the solenoid on your Orbit timer, then this is to be expected. Some solenoids can be louder than others, but the buzzing comes from the magnets inside the solenoid being electrically activated and vibrating.

Should you notice the noise, then as long as your valve is functioning properly, there shouldn’t be any issues with the solenoid itself.



Devices Covered: 57280, 57281, 57626, 57460, 57461, 57100, 57101, 57604, 57623, 57624, 57625, 57821, 57823, 57824, 91112, 57020, 57023, 57034, 57035, 57130, 57131, 57029, 57030

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Tags: Troubleshooting, Valve
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