Store FAQ

How to place an order

To place an order at, start by locating the product you’re interested in. You can search by model number or name using the magnifying glass (search) option at the top of

If your item is in stock, choose the quantity you’re interested in and select “Add to Cart.” After you select an item, it will automatically take you to your cart. If you would like to continue browsing, the different types of products will still be at the top of the screen. Once you’ve finished selecting items, you can either stay in your shopping cart, or if you are no longer in it, click the shopping cart icon on the top and click “Check out” to begin checking out.

From here you will enter your contact information, shipping and billing information, payment information, and any discount or gift card codes you may have before confirming and submitting your order.

How to check order status

To check the status of an order placed in Orbit’s store (, click here and log in to your account and access your order and tracking information.

How to receive tax exemption on orders 

To be exempted from taxes when ordering from Orbit’s store (, first email us with your non-profit or tax exemption paperwork. After emailing, please create an account in our online store using the same email address you used when providing the paperwork.

Once your paperwork has been received, we’ll notify you when your exemption status has been associated with your account, and any subsequent orders placed at will be automatically exempted from taxes.

What are Orbit’s Shipping methods

We ship most items using FedEx Standard Ground and USPS standard (for small items only). For larger shipments we use Ground Freight (for orders over 150 lbs). We don’t currently offer an option for expedited shipping.

How to apply a promotion code

In the shopping cart, after you’ve added at least one item, you’ll find a promotion code field on the right side. If you’re taking advantage of a promotion, you can enter a valid promotional code and select “Apply”.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept most major credit cards for all purchases.

Can I place an order over the phone or with a representative?

At this time, we’re only able to accept orders placed through Orbit’s store (, to ensure your billing information is kept secure.

When you visit, you can search the model/part number or the name of the product by clicking the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the page. If your item is in stock, you’ll be able to add it to the cart, and then enter your shipping and billing information to checkout.

Can I get free shipping on my order?

We offer free standard shipping on most orders over $35. This does not include expedited shipping methods unless otherwise noted. Some larger items may be excluded, including:

  • Certain longer lengths of pipe/tubing
  • Large items, such as valve boxes
  • Heavy items such as pumps or brass back-flow prevention

When free shipping is selected, it is at our (Orbit’s) discretion to choose the method of shipping. Any products that are not eligible for free shipping should be indicated on their respective product pages and during checkout. We maintain the right to modify these restrictions at any time.

Is there a cutoff for shipping?

Most orders placed on Orbit’s store ( before 12PM (Mountain Time), Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) are prepared and shipped within 3-business days.  To check the status of an order, please click here.

How do I cancel an order?

If you’ve placed an order and haven’t yet received a tracking number and you wish to cancel it, please follow the steps outlined in this article. How To Cancel An Order

How do I file a warranty claim?

In order to file a warranty claim, please click here for help.

How do I return an item?

Please contact our Support team to discuss your options.

How to create an account for the Orbit store. 

To register an account for Orbit’s store (, click here. Once you’ve registered, you can view the details for orders you place in our online store, and save time with placing new orders by saving shipping and billing information.

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Tags: Account, Order, Store, Warranty
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