How to tell multiple timers to smart water at different times

If you are using multiple B-hyve timers, and want to use smart watering with each of them, then you will need to adjust the smart watering program for each device.

In order to do this, you will need to add a “Suggested Start Time” for the smart watering on your B-hyve devices.

Be sure to give each timer enough time so that it will be able to water thoroughly. As an example, if you told one of your timers to come on at 9 AM and another timer to come on at 9:10 Am, you would likely see issues with under-watering your lawn, or creating an issue with the water pressure available.

Please use the following links for help with setting smart watering restrictions and suggested start times:

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Tags: bhyve, bhyve-app, pressure, program, Smart Watering
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