Tag Archives: B-hyve App

Smart Watering Advanced Settings

Welcome to B-hyve Advanced Settings. This is the perfect place to learn how Smart Watering works, discover ways to save even more water, and achieve the best possible results for your landscape. Most of the Advanced Settings can be changed using the standard Smart Watering Settings, but two settings – Efficiency and Management Allowed Depletion…Read More »

B-hyve End User License Agreement

END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT By accessing and using the software (“Product Software”) that is embedded on the Orbit product (“Product”), you agree to the terms of this End User License Agreement (“EULA”) between you and Orbit Irrigation Products, Inc. (“Orbit” or “we”). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH AND ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS EULA,…Read More »

B-hyve Notifications

Notifications will alert you of the following events: a rain delay is set a rain delay is suggested watering has started watering has completed there is a freeze warning there has been a timer fault your device has been set to OFF Notifications are set and sent based on the account you are currently logged…Read More »

Catch Cups Instructions

At Orbit, we love green grass and healthy plants and trees. We know you do, too. Our mission is to help you achieve your lawn, landscape and gardening goals, using the least amount of water possible. To help you do this, we have designed the Orbit Sprinkler Catch Cups and the Orbit Watering Schedule application….Read More »

Advanced Programming B-hyve XD

The Advanced Programming in your B-hyve XD will give you more control over the program your timer runs.   Basic Programming vs Advanced Programming The basic program only allows an interval schedule with one start time, whereas Advanced programming will allow up to 4 start times a day, and you can water-specific days, odd/even days,…Read More »


The OrbitAssist App is a troubleshooting tool Orbit has built to help you with your network connectivity and your B-hyve device. To run this test on your home network, You will need to first download the OrbitAssist app on your phone or tablet. We’ve linked the application in the Google Play Store and Apple App…Read More »

Connecting your Flume device with your B-hyve Account

If you have a Flume device, you can now connect it with the B-hyve controller.  With the B-hyve & Flume integration, you will be better able to understand how much water is being used for irrigation and determine if there are any potential leaks in the system. The initial integration will allow you to view…Read More »

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