This article will go over several scenarios to help find out what connection issue you may be seeing, and then help direct you to the most relevant article to help identify and solve the problem. If you are saying the following: “I can’t connect to Wi-Fi / Bluetooth” “I’ve changed my Internet provider / Router…Read More »
Tag Archives: connectivity
This article will go over several scenarios to help find out what connection issue you may be seeing, and then help solve the problem. If you are saying the following: “Every time I leave the property my B-hyve device disconnects” “My B-hyve device keeps dropping the Wi-Fi connection” Good Questions to ask yourself: Does the…Read More »
In this article, we will go over some troubleshooting steps for both our wired and our wireless Rain/Freeze Sensors. Hard Wired Rain Sensors When a hard wired sensor is connected to a timer it can be tested on most timers by turning the sprinklers on manually from the timer. Push the “test stem” down that…Read More »
Sometimes your timer may not find a Wi-Fi network. There are a few steps you can take to try to resolve this issue. Make sure your router is broadcasting a 2.4 GHz network. Most Orbit products do not communicate with 5 GHz networks (the exception to this, being our B-hyve XR model that can use…Read More »